
Jul 15, 2016 22:19

✿ A lot of things in this world are pretty awful right now. It's getting to the point where I just don't know what to say, really.

✿ I had Plans for this evening, but they kind of fell through due to accidentally falling asleep. I really need to stop doing this! It just ends up with me feeling groggy and awful. I was going to do things, I was going to write, I was going to - well, never mind.

✿ Think I've mentioned before that I was kind of interested in getting into geocaching. Well, today I actually looked into it, and wow... it turns out that there are actually several geocaches in my city. Nice! I was able to locate one that seems like it'll be easily accessible, so some time in the near future, I'm going to try this whole geocaching thing out and see if I like it. It'd be awesome if I could stick with it. (And hey, maybe this is something I could do when I'm in Victoria, too...)

✿ Keep looking at my to-do list for the weekend and feeling like, ugh, I don't want to do anything. I just want to curl up in the basement and read and not come out. But these passport photos won't get done that way. And I really should get to the library... there's a story I want to write that will have to be set locally, and if I can get some on-paper resources for it, that'll be best.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3490184.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

geocaching, life

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