
Jul 14, 2016 21:09

☆ Note to self: Book flight and hotel either Friday or Saturday. And... might as well see about getting those passport photos on Saturday, possibly. Since I need to send it in for renewal pretty soon. Not that I'll need it for Victoria, but eh. It needs to get done. (SIGH) Anyway, work has said that it's fine for me to take that trip, so - it looks like Victoria will actually be happening. Nice! I'll have to ask Aki what she wants to do when we meet up, so that I can look things up and plan things out. But that can wait for a while.

☆ I keep staring at this pair of earrings on Etsy and ugh, I want them so bad. But I'm going to be spending so much money this weekend (see above, as well as getting myself a new Ereader) that - yeahhh, hard to justify it. Well. Maybe if I manage to clear off my to-do list, I'll reward myself with that. :D It isn't as if I've been doing much frivolous spending lately, anyway.

☆ I've said it before, but I'm so butthurt that I can't play Pokemon Go. SO BUTTHURT. Ahaha, I'll get over it in a week or two, probably. But I'm just so grumpy that all of my friends are having fun with something, and I can't join in. xD Maybe I should haul out my 3DS and play some actual Pokemon, though, considering I didn't finish Pokemon X. Not because I didn't like it, but well, it's a time-sink. A time-sink that makes my hands cramp up if I play it for too long. So.

☆ After throwing myself into writing last week and part of this week, I find that I'm completely out of juice, at least for the moment. x_x Wow, that was way too much. I'm never pushing myself quite that hard again. Still, I need to do my Rarepair Exchange stuff, but since there's quite a bit of time for that, I'll take a little break. It was just way too much all at once!

☆ ...There are some personal things that I want to write, but maybe on the weekend. It's all stuff with SSSS OCs, the ones that I was developing for those stories set in Kajaani. And there is one... there's a new character; his name is Vesa. And he's going to be a bit challenging to write - mind you, Niko is challenging too, and I guess they're both difficult in similar-but-different ways. (To be honest, I don't want to say too much about Vesa, at the risk of being spoilery, haha. The most important things to know are that he's a troll hunter, and he and Niko know each other very well.) Anyway, there are two stories that I want to write with him, so I'll probably be starting the shorter of the two this weekend. We'll see where it goes. I'm still trying to get used to writing original characters in fanfiction; it feels weird to give myself "permission" for it.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3489868.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

oc nonsense, writing, travel, gaming, life

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