Reading... Thursday?

Jun 30, 2016 23:23

Didn't have time yesterday to write the weekly reading out. Ah, well. Here it is.

Finished reading: Trading Jeff and His Dog by Jim Kjelgaard. I used to read a ton of stuff by this author back when I was a kid, but this is one that I wasn't able to get my hands on. I was introduced to this author's novels by my father, who read his work when he was a kid. These novels are one of the few areas where our interests intersect, so I kind of have a fondness for Kjelgaard, even though I haven't read any of his stuff in years. Kjelgaard's novels were typically one of two things: animal protagonists, and people surviving in the wilderness. This one is a little bit of both; it centres around Jeff, a travelling peddler, and his dog Pal, and the adventures they get tangled up in as they travel through Appalachia. It isn't as memorable as some of Kjelgaard's more famous novels, such as Big Red, which is still in print. But it was a nice quick read, and I don't feel like I wasted my time at all. I downloaded it from Project Gutenberg, and a lot of his other novels are up there as well, since he wrote many of them, a lot of which are now out of print.

Currently reading: The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton. I know nothing about this novel except that it takes place in the Netherlands in the mid-1600s (!!!) and therefore is Relevant To My Interests. And presumably a miniaturist is involved somehow. I only juuuuust started it, so I have no idea where the story is going to go, but that's all right. I do enjoy the few pages I've read so far.

Reading next: I have no idea. I have a buttload of Kjelgaard novels that I downloaded from Gutenberg, so it's possible that I'll read another one of those. Question is, which one? Who knows~

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