
Jul 03, 2016 21:56

Today kind of sucked.

It was raining for a good part of the day - so much that part of town flooded; nothing too bad, but STILL. This isn't what we need right now. D:

My parents were making various levels of obnoxious/offensive/racist comments on and off all day for no particular reason. Well, they might have had a reason, but I'm sure as hell not going to ask what it was, because I don't want to know the answer.

I was in a bad mood overall, which wasn't improved by being stuck at home.

Aaaand Iceland lost against France at football. Okay, okay, that one's pretty trivial. And they did their best, and it's amazing that they got this far in the Euro cup at all. Still a bummer, though, especially since I didn't get a chance to watch that Iceland-England match, that one where everyone was saying they were playing so well.


It's... okay. It's not that bad. Today wasn't that bad. I didn't have to go anywhere today, so I got to stay nice and dry. I have some really delicious tea. And I finished a fic that I've had in my wip folder for a while, and was ignoring until now. So, that's all pretty good.

Also, I've been doing Camp NaNo, and I'm off to a great start. Probably going to have to raise my wordcount goal, but for now, I'm just having fun ploughing through it. :D Aaand hopefully will finish a lot of those wips. (I have like, 20 things unfinished right now, it's terrible.)

And going in to work tomorrow will be nice, though I don't know if I'll be thinking that when I get there and find a huge mess of paperwork on my desk....

It's all all right. <3

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3488416.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, nanowrimo, football, life

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