Nice little things ☆

Jun 29, 2016 22:28

☆ Turns out I'll be by myself for Canada Day. This is a good thing! I enjoy peace and quiet a lot. Maybe I'll get some writing done? Oooh, or I could practice playing my harmonica! In fact, why not both? :D I checked the town's celebration schedule, but aside from possibly the parade, there wasn't really anything to interest me. So, I'll just look forward to a quiet - or happily noisy - day alone at home instead. [Edit: Turns out that maybe I won't be alone after all, parents might change plans. NOOOOOOoooooooo.... oh, well.]

☆ Have had some weird vibes as of late, due to things going on in the world and the wankstorm that was going down in SSSS fandom, but today was better. Feels good. For a while there, I felt too down to write anything, and that just sucked. It's always kind of a pain when something that makes you happy is having problems that you can't fix. Things aren't completely resolved, exactly, and this is something that will probably be simmering under the surface for a while, but at least I'm feeling comfortable enough to work on stuff again.

☆ I received some adorable postcards in the mail yesterday, from Ginger and Kiraly. <3 Handmade! With sweet fanart! I'd share, but I'm too lazy to take a photo, ah well. They're propped up against my desk, and I'm just so happy. Unfortunately, looks like that postal strike will be a thing, from the sound of it. And I know I have more postcards and letters on their way. WELL... hopefully the strike won't be a long one. :Va But even if it is, it's fine.

☆ Upside: I also received the package of cologne I'd ordered from FSW, including a full bottle of "Horse". Words cannot describe how much I am enamoured with this scent, oh man. Leather, hay, musk, and clover, mmmm. FSW's price point for full-sized stuff is a liiiittle rich for my blood, but I just had to cave for this one, along with some others - refill-sized solids of "Fossil", "Grapefruit & Ambergris", "Tuberose", and "Amber" - the last two scents are scheduled to be retired, and I'll miss them. It was my birthday present to myself, and I'm so glad that it arrived without delay. <3

☆ I had a serious conversation with a friend about something very important, and it went pretty much the way I expected it to, which is to say: it went well. And I'm happy about that. It was worth it. <3

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fandom, friends, fragrance, life, stand still stay silent

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