(no subject)

Jun 18, 2016 21:45

☆ Wait a minute, I had no idea that Copa America is on right now. Have I been living under a rock? Apparently! I should pay more attention. *_* WELL looks like I'll be watching some matches next week, then... (Confession: Half the reason that I like watching football so much is that it's really easy for me to knit + watch at the same time; not so with, say, movies.)

☆ Today was spent with coffee, working on some writing, and it was just so normal and really, really nice. It felt good to just do something normal like this. ...Though I probably should not have started something new, but oh well. ;p I have too many ideas! And there are too many exchanges going on now that interest me.

☆ I'm FINALLY off unemployment insurance. Man, was that ever a pain. Glad to be done with it. Not only because it's annoying to have to file reports, but also because... uh... it's nice having my job back. ;p

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3485957.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.


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