Three things make a post

Jun 16, 2016 22:02

☆ Boil water advisory has been lifted. Air quality advisory has also been lifted. I'm so happy. Hopefully this will mean that normality will come even more quickly. It's good to be back, but the city is still really quiet, and there aren't very many businesses open. Hopefully that will change soon?

☆ There are so many story notifications in my inbox, holy shit. Might be a small fandom, but SSSS fans sure do have a lot of energy. Unfortunately, I don't have enough energy to read any of these. xD [/nudges them to the bottom of inbox] Ahhh well, hopefully on the weekend. Aaaand with rarepair fest coming up soon, there'll probably be some things written for that, which will be exciting. *_* Depending on how many people sign up with SSSS/aRTD, I might try to treat everyone who requested it, again. I finished my request letter last night, but I should probably tweak it a little, add some more details, or something. Kind of considering adding another pairing to the Hetalia list, but I'm not sure.

☆ ...I can't think of a third thing. Damn. Here, have some Mari Boine: Vuoi Vuoi Mu. I really should listen to more of her music; she's so good. Since she's been making music for a long time, she has a ton of work out - which is awesome, but it also means there's a lot of music to go through (and I usually end up wanting to listen to ALL THE THINGS, so... y'know.)

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fort mcmurray fire 2016, music, life, rarepair fest

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