Rarepair Fest Exchange Letter :。・:*:・゚'❀

Jun 15, 2016 22:18

Dear Rarepair Writer or Artist:

Hi! I hope you'll have fun creating fanwork for me. I've tried to provide a variety of prompts; hopefully no matter which medium you're working in, you'll have some ideas. I look forward to seeing whatever you come up with!

Questions/comments are welcome. <3

General likes and dislikes

❀ Likes: Fluff. Bite-sized moments of peace/happiness in the middle of a larger conflict. Hurt/comfort. Stories or art where the setting is important for the mood. Characters dealing with the aftermath of nightmares. Characters telling/reading stories to one another. Folklore either in the form of characters telling one another stories, or encountering weird things/creatures/places and having to deal with/escape from them together. Food/tea/cooking as a form of comfort or expression of affection. Small gestures (physical or otherwise) that express more than words. Language barriers. Canon-typical violence. Canon-typical horror. Unusual formats (including but not limited to 1st person, present tense, second person, epistolary format, drabble sequences, poetry, etc).

Art-specific likes: Honestly, there is so little art for most of these pairings, and that means I would be happy with any kind of shippy art made just for me. <3 But some things that I enjoy include: small physical gestures, like hand-holding and hair-touching and hugs. Falling asleep on one another. Forehead-touching! Cuddles! Kisses, oh man. If you're planning to do colour, I enjoy warm neutrals, but also cool schemes (esp. blues/whites), and canon-typical palettes.

❀ Please do not include: AUs unless otherwise noted. Unrequested crossovers. In-text languages other than English. Non-canon character death. Sexual violence. References to forest fires or house fires. I'd also prefer if you avoid 18+/NSFW ratings unless requested, though I'm fine with general references to sex etc.

A Redtail's Dream :。・:*:・゚'☆

Requested pairings: Jonna Kuikka/Hannu Viitanen, Joona Kuikka/Hannu Viitanen, Hannu Viitanen/Ville (A Redtail's Dream) , Jonna Kuikka/Riikka Skärsholm

Fandom-specific details

☆ Likes: Magic. Slice-of-life fluff. Canon-typical hurt/comfort and/or canon-typical whump. Incorporation of mythology/folklore in a canon-typical way.

☆ If you have any of your own ideas for these pairings, feel free to write/draw that as long as it doesn't hit any of my dislikes. I would love a surprise!

☆ I'm okay with receiving NSFW/18+ fanwork for Jonna/Hannu and Joona/Hannu. 8)


☆ Jonna/Hannu: I'm fond of "tall goofball/short grump", and these two fit it really well. I'd love to see get-together fluff (and awkwardness), or sweet slice-of-life moments - sneaking off during break to be together, spending time out in nature together, quiet moments where they're just content to be together. I like to think that this would be one of the first relationships for both of them, if not the first relationship, and I really like to think that they'd take time to explore that, discovering what they both like in terms of physical affection. To me, it seems like the kind of relationship that would end eventually, and they'd both know it, but they'd have fun with it while it lasts.

☆ Joona/Hannu: I love it when this pairing is rough and kind of physical. One of their few canon moments together involves Joona manhandling Hannu; I like to think that they might get like that in private settings too (roughhousing that turns into something else, perhaps). I feel like Hannu would have a heavy dose of denial with regard to his feelings - he doesn't like him at all, he isn't attracted to him at all, they are NOT involved, and they did not just make out, nope (goddamnit). And as for Joona - he's just having fun seeing where this is going. 8)

☆ Hannu/Ville: I love how they take care of one another, and rely on one another, and I like thinking about how that might develop postcanon. Ville seems to be the only one Hannu can tolerate for an extended period of time, but what would it be like for them to live together after their adventure? Would Ville have difficulty adjusting? Would Hannu have difficulty adjusting? Alternately: slice-of-life fluff with cuddles. :D Or spending time with one another out in nature. I think that's something they'd enjoy together very much. <3

☆ Jonna/Riikka: They probably know each other pretty well, considering they've been in the same friend group forever. I think their personalities would go together in a really fun way - they'd be a "goofy girl/sweet girl" kind of pairing. I'd be happy with slice-of-life sweetness - walking through woods together, boating together, baking things, slowdancing together, that sort of fluff. They're just a sweet and simple pairing to me. <3

Stand Still, Stay Silent :。・:*:・゚'❀

Requested pairings: Reynir Árnason/Onni Hotakainen, Aksel Eide/Sigrun Larsen, Michael Madsen/Signe Sørensen, Mikkel Madsen/Onni Hotakainen

Fandom-specific details

❀ Likes: Canon-typical horror, canon-typical whump. Hurt/comfort. Characters getting injured (though not too badly!!). Magic/folklore. Language barriers. Dreamscape meetings (where applicable). Affection combined with adventure. Fear that someone might be dead, and relief when they turn out to be safe. People protecting one another. People working together and falling in love at the same time.

❀ If you have any of your own ideas for these and want to use it instead of my prompts, feel free to write/draw that as long as it doesn't hit any of my dislikes. I would love a surprise!


❀ Reynir/Onni: For me, this started out as "Oh, that would be a cool ship", but then their canon interaction made me fall in love with it. Reynir is a ball of sunshine; Onni is sturdy, but he needs some happiness and comfort in his life. Not to mention, the physical differences between them are a really nice contrast. I love the idea of them meeting in the dreamworld, or communicating more over the radio and developing feelings that way, in spite of Onni's awkward Icelandic. I also love the idea of mutual pining, neither of them ready to say what they feel. And what happens when they finally meet in person?

❀ Aksel/Sigrun: How did their relationship develop? How did they go from friends to lovers? Were there already feelings there before the Rash hit, or was it something that developed during the time that everyone in Dalsnes was working together to survive? I love the way their personalities contrast one another; Sigrun seems ready to take on anything, but with Aksel, it might be more difficult. How would that play out in practice?

❀ Michael/Signe: I love these two sassbuckets. The last pieces of canon that we see of them in their prologue section are so sweet. What appeals to me most is the idea of them falling in love as the world falls apart around them. How would their feelings develop - would they want to admit it? What would be the push that finally brings them together? Alternately, I'd love to see just tiny moments - resting against one another when the day's work is finally done, playing with Michael's cat, looking out at the horizon and thinking of what they left behind, hearing news of what's happening in the world outside of Bornholm and being terrified that it might all come crashing down on them.

❀ Mikkel/Onni: I know this is a surprising one, but stick with me, here. After reading this ficlet by Madamefolie, I found myself really interested in what Michael and Onni's interaction could be like if the chance for them to interact did come up. Mikkel's personality has a fun mix of snark and practicality that could either complement Onni (who sometimes displays hints of the same), or cause friction between them, or both. Not to mention, they are contrasts in and of themselves; the staunch atheist vs the powerful mage! (They can argue about it... and then kiss and make up, pff.) And on a shallow note, Mikkel looks like he'd give amazing hugs, and a lot of the time, Onni seems like he really needs a hug.

Hetalia: Axis Powers :。・:*:・゚'☆

Requested Pairings: England (Hetalia)/Norway (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia)/Sweden (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia)/Netherlands (Hetalia), Russia (Hetalia)/Norway (Hetalia)

Fandom-specific details

☆ Likes: Historical settings and historical clothing. Anything with a well-defined sense of "place", where the setting is important, no matter if that setting is a battlefield or someone's bedroom. Emphasis on the nations as personifications. Geographical innuendo. The pairings I've chosen have a long history together, and I love to see that incorporated into their interactions, even when the setting is in modern day.

☆ Please do not include: Human names (please use nation names only), unrequested AUs, 2P, American settings of any kind, in-text languages other than English.

☆ I'm okay with receiving NSFW/18+ fanwork for any of these pairings.


☆ England/Norway: These two seem like they would have a calm understanding with one another. They have similar interests - the supernatural, of course, but they also seem like the kind of pair that would enjoy books and gardening and spending quiet time together. Basically, I enjoy them as two weird and kind of grumpy guys who enjoy being weird and grumpy together. Also, I love historical settings with these two, though not the Viking era so much - I prefer later periods for this pairing.

☆ Norway/Sweden: In historical settings, especially during their 19th-century union, I love it if this pairing is a little fucked up. Especially if there is a lot of UST. Especially if, when things finally get physical, it's rough and sharp and inappropriate and neither of them wants to admit just how much they want it. (If you feel like writing breathplay, I would love breathplay for these two, just saying.) I like the idea of neither of them being happy during that time, but finding something in one another. In modern settings, I like to see them as being the kind of pair that have worked out all their bad feelings, and have developed affection for one another, and can express that affection in a mature way. They don't need to say much, but they understand one another anyway, and often in ways that don't require words.

☆ Denmark/Netherlands: Denmark is noisy, but Netherlands tolerates him. Sometimes he doesn't even know why. They've grown close over time, and somehow it just works. Their relations are physical, and Denmark does most of the talking. Denmark steals Netherlands' cigarettes, and somehow Netherlands doesn't mind. For historical settings, I'd love anything set during the 17th century. There are some fics set during their alliance, but I could always do with more. Netherlands is looking out for his own interests, and Denmark knows this, but he likes the guy anyway.

☆ Russia/Norway: In terms of relationship, I really like stories with them set during the Pomor trade; I think that time period and that personal trade relationship provides a great backdrop for a romance developing between them, especially considering some of the things that developed from it, like cultural interchange and shared language (Russenorsk). Aside from that, one of the things that I love about them is contrasts - their personalities are quite different; they're both weird guys, but not in similar ways. Physically, they're also very different, and that's hot (Russia's so... big... take that however you want ;p ). Somehow, this pairing brings to mind: winter, tea, cake, knitted things, snow, and fireplaces. Though it's a pairing that also has the potential to be really rough rather than cozy, and I like that in fanwork as well.

Crossover Pairings :。・:*:・゚'★

Requested pairing: Max Rockatansky (Mad Max)/Australia (Hetalia: Axis Powers)

Fandom-specific details

★ Fury Road is my favourite Mad Max movie, but I have seen all of the films, and enjoyed them all, so feel free to refer to any point in canon if you want to. Visually/art-wise, I have a slight preference for Max as played by Tom Hardy (he's really good-looking in Fury Road, what can I say), but I'm cool with illustrations of Max as he looks in the earlier films, especially if the intent is to allude to a particular point in the timeline.

★ When it comes to Hetalia, I like my personified countries to stay countries. So, that means no human AUs, please! And please use nation names only.

★ I'm okay with receiving NSFW/18+ fanwork for this pairing.


★ Max Rockatansky/Australia: the "good end" version. These two have been through so much crap. They're both in need of company and cheering up. Somehow, they meet and find happiness, quietness, and comfort with one another.

★ Max Rockatansky/Australia: the "wow, that's fucked up" version. As anon once put it*, "such a harsh environment, focused on one unstable dude?!" Considering the changes that the world has gone through in the Mad Max universe, Australia probably wouldn't be all that stable himself, either.

★ Max Rockatansky/Australia: the "immortality" version. In this scenario, Australia is a personification of a land that is crumbling, and a collapsing society, and a people who, depending on which film you're going with, might not have much sense of what "Australia" is. He's immortal, but he might not be much longer; nations can die, and he would be well aware of that. Max is, in a way, a folklore hero; there are stories told about him and passed on, with little things that differ or stay consistent depending on who's telling it. In that small way, he's also immortal, or could be taking on a kind of immortality through the power of story. I'd love to read something that explores this; one losing his immortality as the world around him erodes, and the other gaining something through the power of words, and they find some identification with each other in their shared not-quite-human experience.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3485628.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

exchange letters, rarepair fest

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