Eurovision Part 2

May 12, 2016 11:11

So! Last night was the jury rehearsal for the second semifinal, and of course we were there. Fun!

Some time before the show, we decided to try poking around in town to see if we could find a Sami flag to bring with us, since Norway sent a Sami singer this year, and the friend that I'm visiting is also Sami.... These flags were initially banned this year, because the powers that be were going to crack down on a rule stating that only the official flags of participating countries are permitted. But after some controversy, these rules were relaxed, and regional/local flags of the participants were permitted. So, this year, the specific ones under question were the Sami flag, as I mentioned, and the Welsh flag (UK's act is from Wales). There's a bit more about that here - like the article says, even the participants themselves are not exempt from flag ban stuff.

UNFORTUNATELY we were not able to find a Sami flag, which is a bummer. But maybe we'll be able to get our hands on one before the final (and we'll wave it even if Norway doesn't make it to the final, just to make a point). Some people definitely managed to bring in flags that are not participating nations, though - I saw a Canadian flag in the audience! And there were some people sitting near us with a big Brazil flag too. :) So I guess security isn't being that strict about it.

As for the show itself - unfortunately, this time, we weren't lucky enough to get a seat upgrade. But we could still see the stage relatively well, so that was all right. Last day was definitely better view-wise, though. And I think I preferred last day's show overall - it had more songs/acts that were to my taste.

It seems like every year, one semifinal is loaded with acts that I love, and one has... all the acts that I am lukewarm toward. The second semifinal was the latter. BUT there were still some awesome acts!

I think Israel, Australia, Belarus, and Belgium were my favourites. Though there were others that had some good stuff as well. Bulgaria!! It turns out they sent Poli Genova again; I didn't recognize her at all, which is a surprise because I love-love-loved her act a few years ago, when she was singing "Na inat". She looks so different now. Still cool though (hella props to anyone who can rock black lipstick like she does <3 ).

...The Belarus guy is really hot. orz I REALLY LIKE HIS SONG but also he's really hot. I hope he gets through to the final just so I can stare at him all over again. Please be in the top ten, Belarus, you are awesome and also very handsome. *_*

Random thought: There were several acts this year with long-haired dudes. I didn't realize until now just how much of a trend that is. But suddenly I'm seeing guys with long hair... everywhere. What? I am not complaining at all, but it's one thing that I didn't expect would come into fashion! I hope it stays.

Australia's act was awesome. It's the kind of thing that I normally would find a little boring - mostly light show, not a lot of movement, and the song is a bit slow. But it's a really good song, and Dami Im was totally killin' it. Gorgeous singer, gorgeous dress, and I really hope she gets through to the final. And I'm going to have to look up her other music after this, because man, does she ever have a nice voice. Though, comparing this year's act to last year... I think I still prefer last year's. That one was SO good.

Norway disappointed me, a little. Adorable singer, lovely voice, and I even like the studio version of the song, but... this is just not one that will make it through, I think. Even if she absolutely nails it.

Another disappointment was the interval act. After the one in the 1st Semifinal, I was hoping for something just as awesome and beautiful and powerful, but. Uh. Well. This is... not. It's just weird. To be fair, it's kind of hard to top The Grey People, but... yeahhh. Maybe it'll be cooler when seen on television, though.

ANDD ALSO, during Georgia's act, there were some technical difficulties, so they were allowed to go twice. ...Unfortunately, I hated their act, and their light show was way too much of everything and made my brain hurt, so I was not too pleased with this. :'D But at least it probably won't happen for the broadcast semifinal, so. And I doubt they'll make it to the final, anyway.

Anyway. Can hardly wait to see what the results will be. *_*

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