Eurovision - Jury Final

May 14, 2016 20:23

Last night was awesome. The show was great, and I am totally looking forward to seeing who the winner will be.

We were seated in a different section than previous - still kind of high up, but with a more forward view of the stage, so it was pretty interesting to see things from an angle that is closer to the broadcast version. Also had a pretty direct view of the Green Room. There were a lot of very loud Aussies behind us, ahaha... on the one hand, oi, I applaud I applaud their enthusiasm. But they were a liiiiittle bit much. :'D


The crowd loved: Belgium, France, Spain, Australia, Russia, and Austria. And Bulgaria too. *Not the order that they were played, but I can't remember. Anyway, those ones definitely got people up and dancing, especially Spain.

The audience went absolutely BONKERS when Dami Im came on stage. :'D And I'm not just talking about the crazy Aussies behind us. The crowd loved her! No surprise, I mean - her song is great - but considering it's slow compared to the others I listed above, it's a bit of a surprise. If the audience is any indication, Australia has a good chance of winning.

Personal highlight: during France's song, Poli Genova was dancing to it down in the Green Room with her costume all lit up. SHE IS SO FUCKING CUTE, I love her. (And as I type this, she's on the TV gushing about how awesome Dami Im is... cute, cute, cute.) Though I still think her song would have been even better if it'd been entirely in Bulgarian (but then again I am biased because she sounds SO GOOD in Bulgarian).

Interval Act was... Justin Timberlake. WELL THEN. That's a little weird, but okay. I'm not a fan, but his performance was not bad, and the song was okay, danceable anyway. Though is it weird if I say that I preferred some of the Eurovision songs instead of his act? :'D Becauuuuse I did.

Super interested in who is going to win this. At this point, I have no idea how things will shake out. :V And I'm still a little butthurt that some of my favourite acts didn't pass, while ones that I disliked did. Georgia, arrrgh. Sitting through THAT one AGAIN last night was very Do Not Want. Hate their song, hate their lightshow, do not want. Prolly gon' use their three minutes for a pee break because like hell do I want to sit through THAT one again.

What I am looking forward to hearing again: SPAIN. AND ISRAEL. And also Armenia; I keep finding new things to like about it every time I hear it.

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