Eurovisionnnnn~ 1st Semifinal

May 10, 2016 19:23

Last night was the Jury Rehearsal for the First Eurovision Semifinal. We went to that one - we've opted to go to the rehearsals instead of the broadcast/"actual" performances in order to keep costs down. The show is mostly the same, so it isn't a big deal. Anyway, it was awesome! And I am totally looking forward to watching the actual semifinal on television tonight.

Initially, we had okay seats - not bad, but not amazing. But since the arena wasn't full, we were able to get better seats free of charge. *_* Nice. Totally awesome and unexpected. So we had a pretty decent view of the stage from where we were. Though... stupid me didn't think of trying to take photos. Mind you, I don't know if the camera would have done well with that anyway.

So far, this year is a LOT better than last year's. I found last year sooo blaaaah. But the songs this year have a lot more energy, which is great. A lot of them have pretty impressive stage acts, too.

Greece's song is a lot better live than it is in the music video - I found it soooo booooring at first, but then when I was the actual act I liked it a lot more; enough to hope that they'll make it through to the final.

Finland is another one that I wasn't so sure about in the music video version, but the live version was tons of fun, lots of energy. So I hope they get through. <3

Cyprus might be my favourite so far. Love their song, love their act, love their aesthetic. <3

But Russia is a close second. They have a very, very good song this year, and a good act, and it's just overall very cool. I... don't want them to win, but I think they have a very good chance. But at least if they do win, they will have won it with an awesome act.

The interval act was REALLY powerful, though I think I might be able to appreciate it better when I see it on the television. We'll see.

Since we were watching the Jury show, some acts that will not be in the semifinal performed - Sweden, France, and Spain. France and Spain are GREAT this year, I like their songs a lot. Very fun. <3 And Sweden is... well, I like it okay, but of course it isn't anywhere near as good as last year. The singer is cute, though. :9

Anyway, tl;dr is that I enjoyed it a lot, and I am looking forward to watching it again tonight. :D Especially as far as the voting goes - I'm super curious about which acts will get through.

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