(no subject)

May 08, 2016 17:29

Had a very good time in the Swedish countryside today. <3 We went to Skokloster Castle and poked around there for a while (I love fancy old buildings like that), and then went to have a picnic lunch in the shadow of some church ruins nearby. After that: Sigtuna, for rune stones and more ruins, and also ice cream and lovely weather. :D Aaaand then after that, another castle/palace/mansion thing, can't remember which one it was.

Anyway, I got lots of neat photos - Sea let me borrow a camera, because I didn't have time to grab mine in the evacuation. I'm not sure how many of these pictures turned out, but I guess I'll see that when I take a look later.

And tomorrow we're going into the city to do... something... I actually can't quite remember what.

Tonight: Applying to unemployment insurance. Fun. (Sigh)

The news suggests that people won't be able to return to their homes until the end of the month, at best. Which is basically what I thought. Disappointing, but... yeah. Argh, I really want to be able to go back to work! Though of course nobody is going anywhere until it's safe.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3479592.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

travel, fort mcmurray fire 2016, life

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