(no subject)

May 07, 2016 13:23

Today was nice. We picked
diplopod up from the airport. Had sushi for lunch. Chilled at Sea's place for a while, then went for a long walk in the woods after supper. Nice. <3

Started a new aRTD fic, but it's really not going how I want it to at all. I only have one page and I suspect I'll have to re-write half of it, bleh. Oh well, writing that needs revision is better than no writing.

Fire stuff: It's still getting bigger. And bigger. People who were evacuated to the oil camps have been evacuated south of the city. They're now telling workers at site to be prepared to evacuate. I have no idea how it's going to affect production, but this is not good.

Managed to get into touch with some people from work. Everyone got out fine, which is good. Ugh, I have no idea what's going to happen with that. I really want to be able to get back to my job, but that's not going to happen for a while.

Probably won't be able to get back into the city for like, a month.

-Look up what to do about my tax refund (stupid me opted for paper cheque rather than direct deposit, argh)
-Check with bank to see if Bank Stuff can be handled online rather than over the phone, so that I can do it now rather than when I get back. My mobile doesn't work in Sweden. Okay, looks like the extra things I'm eligible for are being applied to everyone with a Fort McMurray address (as far as I can tell). This is good.
-Check to see how to apply for unemployment insurance/what I should do about that/whether I can do it now rather than when I get back. Looks like I can take care of this online, so, that calls for a new to-do:
-Fill out the online EI form and get that taken care of -_-
-Apparently all evacuees should register with Red Cross. My parents handled my registration for me, but I should look up what it entails.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3479325.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

to-do, writing, work, fort mcmurray fire 2016, life

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