
Dec 28, 2015 19:49

Mrrrrh. Feeling rambly tonight. [/backdates]

Happy little rituals: Reading SSSS fic and painting my nails on the last night before work. Feels good. Well, this stuff always feels good.

Kind of strange that I so rarely read fic otherwise, but I guess most of the time I find it hard to get my brain to sit still long enough to read anything. And when I have free time, I usually prefer to write rather than read. It's nice when I do get around to it, though. This fandom has so much good fic, and it's amazing.

I'm still working through Secto's back catalogue... It's more difficult than it was with Solo's. They've both written a lot, but I find it easier to sit down and read Solo's work, for some reason. Easier to pay attention. I've been trying to tackle Secto's by reading it on my commute, but I'll look forward to being finished going through it. (Well, the stuff that I plan to read, anyway. The AUs and stuff can wait until I've finished reading everything else).

...And let's not even get started on Yuletide. So much fic to read. So little time. So little attention span. I dumped a few fics on my kobo to try to tackle during commute, but I don't know if it'll happen. I've already read a lot more stories than I usually would. So even though these look good, and I want to read them, I'm running out of motivation to read. It's weird. Too much of a good thing, maybe. And like, some of the fandoms that I like have had so much written for them... well, I'm thinking mainly of The Goblin Emperor and Crimson Peak. The thought of combing through all of those makes me exhausted. And that's not including anything that might have been written for Madness; I haven't checked.

Speaking of Yuletide, I am so glad for the anon period. Two of my fics have done very well, and while I'm happy for that, they've received more comments than my work usually would, and it's an amount that would normally make me feel a bit stressed out. But somehow, while I'm anon, it's a lot easier to reply to everything. So, at least I'm avoiding that situation I had last year with fandom_stocking, where it was so overwhelming that I didn't want to do it again after that. This is fine. Though there is one comment I'm leaving to reply to - one of the people I'd treated came back for conversation, and I'm so glad. <3 So I'll wait until reveals before replying again. It's only a couple of days, anyway.

Going to need to put together my exchange letter for Chocolate Box... someone confirmed that it's OR matching, rather than AND, so on the one hand, that's helpful to know, but on the other, it'll make deciding tricky, because there are so many things that I like, especially in Hetalia and SSSS. Maybe I should limit my requests to like... 4 per fandom, max. I don't know. (Though for SSSS, for sure, I will be offering "any". Yes.) Having a hard time deciding on fandom #4... but I'm leaning toward Frozen. I've never written it, but I'm sure I can do it. Though I'll have to rewatch the film again. (No hardship there! :D) And maybe I'll request it too? I have so many fluffy Kristoff & Elsa desires. Regardless, writing out the letter before signups will help me nail down exactly what I want. That's how it worked with Yuletide, so.

Ugh, I really don't want to go back to work. Well, I do - I like work - but I don't like... working... Um. Not to mention the amount of backlog I'll have to tackle, ughhhh. Oh, well. Such is life. ;V I can deal with it.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3451234.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

fandom, chocolate box exchange, yuletide, stand still stay silent

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