The Uninvited (2009)

Nov 06, 2015 21:53

Today started so badly, but it ended with cherry cola, horror movies, and friends, so I think everything turned out okay in the end.

Tonight's film was The Uninvited (2009). It was... not too bad. I wouldn't rec this one, but I wouldn't anti-rec it, either. There are better films out there, but like I said, it's not too bad.

Now, the reason that I wouldn't rec this one is that the twist felt like a bit of an ass-pull. "It didn't actually happen this way, and actually she was crazy and delusional the whole time and SHE was the murderer. The whole time. Yes." There are ways to do that in a convincing way, but this one left everything until the end.

The thing is, it didn't seed the hints very well. They were there, but there are no indication that what we were seeing wasn't what we were getting, and the story didn't unravel in a way that hinted at anything other than what it looked like, at least not until close to the very end.

Also, I will not lie, I tend to judge horror films a little harshly when they centre around people with mental illness. I don't expect realistic portrayals of people with mental illness, because unfortunately media fails too badly at it most of the time. This film didn't leave me going "for fuck's sake", and it didn't make me angry, but... it was yet another "the crazy person is dangerous" story, and they tend to make me feel frustrated and tired.

Upsides: The visuals were pretty nice, the supernatural parts (which weren't really supernatural) were creepy, the soundtrack was pretty good, and I loved the portrayal of the Anna's relationship with her sister Alex. It was really nice to see sisters who get along so well, even if it was... uh. Ghosts/memories/Anna's delusion. ...Also, I kind of shipped Anna with Mildred, not gonna lie. Er, the gal in plaid at the metal hospital who appears briefly but nonetheless makes a big impression. Which probably wasn't intended, but there ya' go. At least I wasn't the only one who shipped it? Several others in the stream did, too. ;p

...Why do I always end up with so many random femslash ships when it comes to horror movies?! I swear, put two women who are not related in a scene in a horror movie, and as long as they aren't trying to kill each other (and sometimes even if they are), I'll end up shipping it somehow. I don't get it.

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