Blah blah blah robot girlfriends

Nov 07, 2015 20:53

So, I discovered that a script for Ex Machina exists online.

I didn't read the entire thing, but I was searching through it for Kyoko's scenes. A lot of it is pretty much the same, but there are some parts that vary a lot between the final film and the script.

-At one point, Nathan distinctly mentions that he stripped out her higher functions. ... I'm really glad that was left out of the film. I mean, she is a lot more, uh, stoic than Ava is, but I'd rather handwave that as being a Kyoko-thing, rather than a "deliberately programmed that way" thing.

-Also, in the scene with Kyoko and Ava, when they're whispering to each other: CLOSE UP to
KYOKO’S lips, we hear a hiss of static, with soft pulses of noise buried inside. I kind of wish that had been left in. Even if it isn't words, it's something that Ava might have been able to understand... I like the idea of that.

Also, I rewatched that scene today, and holy shit, I ship them so hard. So, so hard. That scene is just intense. .... I want to make a million photosets of it.

[edit] Speaking of Ex Machina, the Trick or Treat authors are revealed, so I might as well link to the fic I wrote. ;p Have some Ava & Kyoko postcanon fix-it. Ao3 or my DW archive.

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trickortreatex, ex machina, fanfic

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