100 cups of tea later...

Oct 18, 2015 15:43

☆ Things I hate about being sick: The mind is willing, but the body is like "how about no". Writing? Yeahhhh not happening. Going out for a walk? Better not. Ugh, I'm so useless right now, and I hate it. At least I got the laundry done? And some reading. Let me tell you, Ursula Vernon's Digger makes for excellent comfort reading. If only the omnibus volume weren't so heavy....

☆ Soooo would you guys think I was nuts if I said that I've already started plotting out Yuletide fic? To be fair, my writing speed is about as slow as molasses in January, so if I want to get any treats done, I really do need to start now. Thank heavens for keeners who post letters super early. ... It's too bad I was never this on the ball when I was in school. :D

☆ Elections tomorrow, urgh... I don't even want to think about it. People keep trying to talk to me about politics and I'm like no, I do not want to have this discussion, thank you. It'll just end in bears. Or tears. Or worse. WELL we shall... see.... (People will be talking about this for weeks. Do not want.)

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3434385.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, politics, life

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