
Oct 19, 2015 21:26

☆ Feeling a lot better today. Not 100%, but good enough. Seems like not doing anything on the weekend was the best idea, even if I wish it hadn't been necessary. I mean, a little downtime is nice, but not if it's... uh. Like that. Spending all day in bed when you don't want to is the worst.

☆ Today I made up for the fact that I did zero writing on the weekend. How? By pulling an entire fic draft out of the air. Not sure how that happened, but I'm sure not complaining. This thing is probably going to need a bucket of revisions, and it isn't even something I'm supposed to be working on (neither a current WIP, nor Yuletide treats - it's in response to a prompt meme) but I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth, so to speak.

☆ Since full-blown NaNo is beyond me, I decided to join
mini_wrimo. Now, this? This, I can do. 100-word minimum per day is something I can do. Well, maybe I won't be able to manage it every day. But I can try. Especially if I draft on paper - that means I'll be able to work on stuff when at lunch, too.

☆ I'm in the mood to skald All The Things. Which is... not so good... Self, scale it back a little, you don't need any new projects. (But I'm itching to do nitpicky recordkeeping!) If my wrists can take it, I might start on Unnamed Project some time this week. Maybe. Or at least I can throw the spreadsheets together and suss out the logistics of it. We're nearing a chapter break in SSSS, so it's a convenient time....

☆ Election results are in! Harper is out! Not sure how I feel about the results in and of themselves, but the important thing is that Harper is out.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3434527.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

indexing, writing, nanowrimo, politics, life

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