Self-insert SSSSOna Profile

Sep 19, 2015 10:16

Going to dump a backup for my SSSSona info here, just because the SSSS forum can be difficult to navigate, and I'd like to have everything in one place. I don't want to misplace this stuff, just in case I do more with it. It'll also make things easier to add to it if I keep it here.

I'm not accustomed to a project that is so self-indgulgent.

Original reply to the self-insert thread: here

Name: Josef "Jo" Jansson
Age: ……32
Nationality: ……Swedish
Area of birth: ……Mora
Gender: ……Male
Immunity: ……Yes
Profession: ……Medic, Skald
Languages: Swedish, Icelandic
Old World languages (reading only): English

Qualification details:
-Fully trained in field medicine and related areas.
-Has standard skald training, as well as decent skill at estimating monetary value of books and other Old World artifacts.
-Can handle and operate standard firearms; taught by family. Average shot.

-Well-educated, and comes from a well-off, well-connected family. Is not above using his family's connections and money to further his own interests.
-Entered into medical training with an eye toward the military, claiming he wanted to make himself useful, though primary motivation was to get away from his overbearing relatives.
-After an incident in his mid 20s, he abruptly changed career paths, and continues to blame himself for what happened.
-Has a personal passion for the history and literature of the Old World, and dreams of the prospect of recovering lost literary works.
-Insists on being referred to by his nickname, 'Jo'. He's very firm on this particular matter.
-Generally acts formal and reserved due to a desire to have others take him seriously. Underneath, he is dreamy, thoughtful, and compassionate.
-Has a vivid, overactive imagination, and is more open to the idea of magic and gods than the average Swede. But he keeps this to himself (mostly).

Character song: Euroband - This is my life


Expedition (Info thread)
Jo is in Group 4. This is the maintenance/support team - mechanics and medical specialists. Because they go pretty much everywhere they are needed, there would be a lot of opportunity to interact with characters from the other groups. But considering his and the group's role, this might be under high-stress situations.

Jo hasn't been out of medical practice for that long, so in theory it wouldn't be difficult for him to get back into the saddle. But considering what happened to make him drop it, there might be some issues of personal anxiety that need to be addressed. This is something that he will need to find a way to deal with and manage efficiently.


I deliberately left the "incident" in the official backstory vague, because I wanted room to change my mind. But the main things I have down are:
-It was an emergency situation. He needed to make a judgment call.
-... It was the wrong judgment call, and someone very close to him died.
-On paper, the incident was written down as unfortunate but unpreventable. But the unofficial ruling was not so cut-and-dry. There were also rumours that he got off lightly due to his connections. (Nepotism, ho!)
-He feels it could have turned out differently, and of course feels guilty about it to this day. ... He also feels guilty about the possibility that the lack of reprimand was due to favouritism.


AND NOW a properly-scanned version of the drawing I did of Jo, about 0.2 seconds away from getting eaten by Lauftroll. DON'T LOOK BEHIND YOU, JUST RUN!

My scanner eats coloured pencil so badly argh argh argh it looks so much more bold in real life. OH WELL.


[Edit Sep 30 2015]
Laufey drew Jo in her Tarot series! For reference: Major arcana are for canon characters, and minor arcana are for the forum self-inserts.

Direct to the post | Direct to the image (note: very large)
Her description-
Knight of Cups: a dreamer, a visionary, a diplomat; appreciates fine and beautiful things in life, compassionate to others though reluctant to socialize, a true introvert, tends to melancholia. Excellent memory for details. This card may sometimes warn against taking an unrealistic approach to things.

A perfect description of him, honestly. Spot-on. She elaborates a little bit more on it here:

"The page and knight -cards the hardest ones to cast. This is because they both have a dual nature, knights even more so than pages, that comes with about 50% success 50% failure rate. In short, the positive things about pages and knights are simultaneously their greatest weaknesses. [...] The knight of cups is similarly excellent at understanding the emotions of others, but reluctant to connect with them and may even have some trust issues. A visionary but also a day-dreamer, someone with high ideals and very little practical sense."

Which, again, is a perfect description, very concisely setting out his virtues and faults (and how his virtues can sometimes also be faults...)


[Edit Nov 26] Felt like doing some writing. It's easier than drawing. All of my ideas are for backstory-related things, currently.

Heart and Hands (poem). In memory of Rasmus, written on the evening prior to departing to join the expedition to the silent world. Backstory poem about Jo's relationship with his now-deceased friend, and his attempt to deal with his grief as he prepares to leave on this new adventure.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or at the original entry.

drawing, ssssona, stand still stay silent

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