Lalalala AUTUMN

Sep 19, 2015 10:54

It was supposed to be nice out today, but it looks REALLY COLD. Why is it so cold?

... Wait a minute, September is half over already. Equinox is next week. When did this happen?!

Somebody slow this world down. I want to get off. Or, like, does life have a pause button? Maybe?

Today's expectations: Lots of writing, lots of reading. I'm about 100 pages into Love in the Time of Cholera and loving it, but I want to bite off another huge chunk of it this weekend, time allowing. Maybe read some comics as well; I've had volume 3B of Age of Bronze sitting on my bookshelf for months. Excellent comic, by the way, if you like ancient Greek stuff - it's a very well-researched retelling of The Iliad. Unfortunately, it's being published at a rate that makes molasses in January look speedy.

Things I hate: that moment when it's the end of the week and your nail polish is chipping like hell, and since it's dark it looks extra terrible, but you really would rather not have to remove it just yet because you're super lazy. (Siiiiigh I'll take it off, fine, where did I put that varnish remover....)

Apparently Sbux has reformulated their pumpkin spice lattes so that they now have actual pumpkin in them. I knew there was something different about the taste and texture when I tried one last week! ... I like it. It adds a little something.

Today's random: For some reason my brain keeps mixing up Rosemary Sutcliff and Mary Renault and thinking they're, somehow, the same author. I don't know why this is. Probably the only way I will be able to un-mix them up is if I read their stuff. It's on the to-do list, I swear!

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weather, reading, life

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