
Sep 10, 2015 21:32

Doot doot doot this is sort of a to-do list for the weekend and sort of not.

☆ Finish the last of the postcards (tomorrow!!) I'm nearly done. I thiiiiiink I have enough stamps. But I'll have to check.

☆ Ficlet drafts! Going to have to do these entirely by hand, because mum is currently borrowing the netbook I usually use for writing. Argh. Well, that's all right, I do half my writing by hand anyway, but... I think these would go quicker on a computer. (The one that I'm currently using isn't ideal - it's not portable, and the desk it's on is really high up, which means it's actually very uncomfortable to type on.)

☆ TEETH and by teeth I mean dentist, can't forget that appointment tomorrow, argharghargh. I don't hate getting my teeth cleaned, it's just... inconvenient, because the bus that I have to take to get there only comes once an hour, etc etc etc. Annoying! I will reward myself with lunch at the Japanese place near the office. Yessssss

☆ Studying! Norwegian of course. Letter writing + grammar... probably... I meant to look into some grammar stuff but it slipped my mind, I really should do that. I feel like I have forgotten half of my vocabulary, too, and it has only been a couple of weeks since I last studied anything. And I... kind of want to brush up on some really basic French too. At least, a little. Because when I was writing my half of the postcard exchange with dear Mélusine, I wanted to do part of it in French, but completely blanked. And I used to remember enough of it to at least throw together a few casual opening sentences, but to not be able to remember even that - terrible. Though it's possible my brain was just not working properly. But I don't think so.

☆ AND ALSO writing... but this is extra and depends on whether I'll get any of the request ficlets done. I need to start that aRTD fic soon if I want it done within the timeline I've specified for myself.

☆ I also reeeeaaalllly need to paint my nails. I haven't painted them in at least two weeks. This is UNACCEPTABLE. Good lord. How did it ever come to this, I ask you.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3424761.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, languages: french, life, languages: norwegian

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