Bits and bites

Sep 09, 2015 21:49

✿ That P D James novel I was reading (Unnatural Causes) is starting to get better; at least, more able to hold my attention. This is good. Though I can't decide if it's actually getting better, or if my attention span is just settling. It's possible that I just haven't been getting enough sleep, so I've been wanting to sleep on the commute... anyway, it's likely I'll read more of this author in the future, because while I'm not all that interested in inspector Dalgliesh as a character, I like what James does with setting/atmosphere, and her writing has a nice texture. That's something I like. (This is your Reading Wednesday entry, unofficially. Whoo.)

✿ Note to self: Finish those last 4 postcards and toss them in the mail, you lazyass. ... I feel like I'm doing fandom backwards when it comes to SSSS, at least a little, because normally I don't go around sending mail to people until I've known them for a while. But, there was a postcard exchange, so why not, right? It's kind of crazy, though. I mean - people give their addresses out so freely these days (including myself, apparently). The internet sure has changed a lot since I first got into fandom. It's fun, though! I look forward to having my mailbox stuffed with postcards from around the world... I wonder if there'll be another exchange at Christmas time. Probably so. That will be nice, I think.

✿ Yuletide Exchange schedule is up. Hooray! ... It's way too early to be thinking about December-related anything, good lord. But at least we now know when nominations will be open. Like I've mentioned before, I'm definitely participating this year. I'm a little nervous - some of the fandoms I'm planning to offer are ones that I haven't written in before - but I expect it'll be a fun challenge. I don't think I will be joining any Hetalia exchanges this year, though, unless I finish my Yuletide assignment early. I also don't think I'll be doing fandom_stocking this year - or rather, I think this year I will do only filling, not join to have a stocking put up. Last year, it kind of pushed the anxiety buttons in an unexpected way; I received so many more replies than I expected - honestly, I had expected a handful of replies from people on my flist, and then maybe one or two from strangers, but what I received was much more than that - and it was overwhelming, and my brain went a little haywire as a result (though thankfully I was able to reply to everyone, and within a quick timeframe). And I know it's entirely just because my brain does stupid things sometimes, but I'd really rather not have to deal with that. Maybe next year.

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reading wednesday, fandom, mental health, reading, fandom_stocking, yuletide, life

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