La la la la knitting

Sep 11, 2015 15:23

Well, not knitting exactly, as I haven't started the project yet, but anyway....

Mélusine and I were talking about knitting, and it reminded me that mum asked me to make her some mittens. And so... I will... attempt it. I haven't made very many pairs before, and I'm still a little unsure with them. But, we will see.

I'll be doing the Quandary Peak Mittens because that's what she wanted - the strandwork on them looks rather similar to the scarf I made her last year, so they'll match nicely. And I already have the yarn for it... somewhere. (I think. Um. I put it in the basement? Maybe? Oh man, I should see if I can find that box...)

BUT FIRST, because I lack confidence in my mitten-knitting skills, I will do a test knit of it for myself. Which means I need to get my ass down to Wal-Mart tomorrow, because like hell am I wasting any of the nice stuff from my yarn stash on a test... Ughh not looking forward to this, it's such a long bus ride. (But better than the alternative, which is plunging in without practising first.) Mannnn why on earth is there only one place in town that sells yarn? It makes me so grumpy. Why can't everything be conveniently in a place where I can easily get to it, damn it.

Anyway. I had an earlier project than this (endpaper mitts) but I never got very far with them and I was still on the first hand and... you know what, I think I'll just unravel the lot until mum's mittens are done. Insert mumbling about this project not being able to hold my attention. I don't know.

...Fuuuu mostly what I'm in the mood for doing right now is, honestly, colourwork scarves with simple patterns. But do I need another scarf? No, no I do not. At all. (At all.)

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