Busybusy etc

Sep 02, 2015 12:48

Haven't been writing as much in the last week or so as I usually would. I would say it's due to being distracted by fandom, but that isn't exactly it. Actually, I've been working on a drawing, and it's been taking up every single extra moment I have.

Man. Now I remember why I don't draw. It's such a timesink. And I don't really enjoy the drawing part; it's the colouring that I like. Thankfully, that's the part I've been working on for the last few days. I've been having fun with it, but man... I am going to be so glad when this thing is finished.

My brain is all over the place and I've been listening to 2008's Eurovision entries on repeat and... man, that year had some super cracktastic songs. (And some good ones. Finland's entry, holy shit) -- I actually have a lot of thoughts about that year's entries, but jotting stuff down during lunch hour is probably not a good time. Anyway....

It's been damp and foggy out lately. Not exactly my favourite kind of weather. I don't mind a bit of chill, but damp is another thing. Blech. Do not want.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3423031.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

drawing, eurovision, life

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