(no subject)

Aug 29, 2015 19:54

This weekend has been uneventful so far.

✿ Parents are gone for the weekend; I've been left to dogsit. The cavalier spaniel has been pouting all day; he went into the closet after mum left and has stayed in there for almost the entire day, having a sulk. At first I thought there was something wrong with him, because he doesn't normally do that - sulking, yes; hiding in the closet, no. But I checked, and he seems to be fine, so I'll... just let him stay there.

✿ I tried prickly pear cactus fruit for the first time today, since I saw it at the grocer's and was curious about it. It is... different, but a little underwhelming. Verdict: has a texture and taste sort of like watermelon. Come to think of it, I suppose I should have expected something like that. 'twas full of seeds, too. Anyway, I didn't hate it, but I don't expect I'll be seeking it out any time soon.

✿ Finished and posted my first SSSS fanfic. It was extremely well-received. This fandom is small, but it's very encouraging and welcoming, and I feel so happy about it. ... We'll see if this continues when I write something other than the most popular pairing in the fandom. [/eyes his wip list]

✿ Lately, I've been drawing a little. Normally I don't bother - I used to do it all the time, but now there are other things I prefer - but it's for fandom reasons. Um. In SSSS fandom, self-insert OCs are A Thing. Yep. Definitely a... Thing. And I wasn't planning to participate, even though it looked kind of fun, but then one of my friends gave me a nudge, sooo... well, we'll see how this goes. Oh man, I haven't done this kind of thing in years. Well, it's nice to try something different every now and then.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3422847.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

fandom, writing, food, family, life

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