
Sep 03, 2015 20:26

Today was pretty good, aside from the rain. I brought one of mum's apple pies to work, and of course everyone thought it was awesome, 'cause mum makes super awesome pies. (Though I do too, actually, but I haven't had time to do anything with pastry so far this autumn, and that makes me sad.)

Realized suddenly that I will probably have Monday off, which I didn't account for. Going to have to doublecheck on it, though. If so - that means I'll have a three-day work week next week. Awesome. Not that I mind work - I actually do like my job a lot - but it's nice to have a bit of extra time now and then, especially since my brain has been full to the brim with fandom stuff and I want to do so much writing.

Lately I've had a ton of feelings about Signe/Michael from the SSSS prologue, and I started writing up a post about that (not to mention planning out a fic, oho, let's hope this gets off the ground because if I do manage to write it, it'll be AWESOME AND GREAT). Haven't had time to finish it, though. Not sure what I'll do with it when I do finish it. Maybe I'll just slap it up here and backdate it if it's so gushy that I get embarrassed. Why do I always get so ridiculously invested in rare pairings?! These two are so cute, though. (And hey, at least it's canon? :D )

Also, I FINISHED THAT DRAWING that I've been working on since Friday. Well - mostly finished; I need to wait until Saturday before I can really call it done, because there are some fiddly adjustments that I need to use natural lighting to make. The evenings are so dark already that I just can't do it before then. But that's okay, because it's almost finished, like 99%. I'm so proud of myself. I hardly ever draw, and it's been years since I last drew something with a background, so this is really different from the usual for me. Downside is, I never want to draw something with a background EVER AGAIN, but eh, oh well. ;p

I can't be bothered to stuff it in the scanner yet due to the aforementioned adjustments that it needs, but I did take a picture of it.

SO here is my SSSSona, who is about 0.02 seconds away from getting chomped by my friend's trollSSSSona. Yes.

Why did I put so much effort into this, oh man. 6_9 It was fun, though! And now I will NEVER DRAW AGAIN well - actually maybe I'll do a drawing of him in civilian clothing too, just for fun... but no background. NEVER AGAIN.

I still need to do a profile writeup (because yes, that is also A Thing, your perSSSSona needs a profile don'cha know!) which might be a bit tricky, because even though I have a few ideas for personality and background/occupation, it's hard to get it down without it sounding ridiculous. Hmm. Might need to do a draft or two. This guy doesn't have a name yet either, so I guess I'll have to research Swedish names (as I've decided he's Swedish), probably going to have to get a friend to doublecheck it to make sure it doesn't sound too weird....

...So. Probably not going to draw again for a long, long time. Like I mentioned before, it's such a timesink, and not exactly my usual timesink-of-choice. But this little departure from the norm was fun, so.

Anyway! That's - actually, that's all for now, because I've been doing literally nothing else with my free time in the last few days except for working on that and listening to terrible/awesome/awesomely terrible Eurovision music. Where has the week gone?!

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3423476.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

work, drawing, life, stand still stay silent

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