(no subject)

Apr 19, 2015 15:14

Driving practice today. Urgh. I hate driving, and it stressed me out, but at least I got it done. It would probably be better if I did it with a professional, and with a smaller vehicle, but lessons are so expensive and I can't afford to pay for the amount that I would need. But when it gets closer to when I'll need to take the test, I'll have to do that.

The reason it's so nerve-wracking for me is due to my anxiety. I get stressed out, and there is just too much information to take in at once. My eyes can't be in so many places at the same time. And my sense of space is not good, because the vehicle I have to practice with is huge. Overall, not a fun experience.

There's also the issue of setting aside time to do it. My parents don't understand that I need to do particular things at particular times, and that it really stresses me out when my schedule gets changed. So the result is... well, it's a mess.

I also don't like driving around aimlessly for no reason. It annoys me, because there are a million and one things that I'd rather be doing. So, I'm going to try to think of ways to drive practically, where there's actually a point to it. On work days, it'll be difficult, but on weekends it's easier, because I can practice a little bit and then drive to a place where I want to go.

But. Still. It will be... interesting. I need to be ready to get my license soon, because my learner's permit expires on July 10th. I don't like driving and I don't want to do this, but I have to.

Anyway! In happier news, we've had some great weather lately. It feels so nice to be able to go outside without a jacket! Though I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune when things start to be +20C and such.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3386168.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

mental health, driving

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