(no subject)

Apr 18, 2015 22:23

One thing that these one-card draws are good for is showing me my own faults, which I was aware of already, but usually don't prefer to think about.

Six of pentacles, reversed.

My relationship with money is... well, it is what it is. I save, but I should save more. I give money, but not necessarily wisely - I have a tendency to feel as if throwing money at a problem will make it better. Sometimes, it does. Usually, it doesn't. Especially if the problem relates to my friends. I need to make these decisions more wisely.

Compared to the people I work with, I seem like an absolute miser. But I shouldn't puff myself up about this, because it isn't true, because I spend more money than I should. I should spend more wisely, and save better.

And as always, I need to be careful about work. I don't think I'm in danger of losing my job, but I need to secure my place in it. I need to be better at it than I currently am. That is the way to stability.

I already knew all of this stuff. But it's another thing to have to confront it. Well - here is the problem. Now, let's work on fixing it.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3386047.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.


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