(no subject)

Aug 22, 2014 22:07

Someone brought in carrot-and-oat muffins from Tim Hortons the other day and man, were they delicious.

I WANT TO MAKE SOME. ... Well okay, after vacation. But I do want to.

Maybe this one... It has a lot of carrots in it, which sounds good to me. It requires a food processor but I honestly don't see why an electric mixer wouldn't do. :Va But I'll have to take a closer look at it.

So glad that it's the weekend; this week has been oddly stressful for some weird reason, even though not much has happened that was different from usual. It'll be nice to have a day off. I'm going to try really hard to get some writing done; since that Nor/Eng fic I was working on is finished now, I really should work on some of my other in-progress things.

Or start something new, like an idiot. Maybe that too.

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writing, food

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