15 things that make me happy

Aug 24, 2014 09:22

Crrrrossposting this meme from Tumblr because why not. When I look at this, I realize that a lot of these answers are related to productivity/getting things done. Which is something I knew I appreciated, but it just reinforces that thing about me, that I need to be really careful because if that goes unchecked I can turn into a workaholic. Whoops.

1. Weather at the beginning of autumn, when it's not too warm and not too cold and you can just go out in a sweater and the air feels nice and fresh.
2. Watching movies with friends (and popcorn)
3. Iced coffee and a good book on a warm summer day
4. Getting nice comments on my fanwork. :)
5. Encountering some kind of problem and knowing how to fix it. (And then fixing it)
6. Starting new projects!
7. ... And finishing old projects.
8. Petting well-behaved furry animals. :D
9. Starting a new book and realizing it's REALLY AMAZING and then being unable to put it down.
10. Discovering a band previously unknown to me, and falling in love with it.
11. Finding out that someone uploaded really awesome fanwork with a pairing that I like.
12. Trying a new recipe and having it come out right the first time. :D
13. That feeling when you're in a cafe with good coffee and a relaxing atmosphere and people around you, but not too many.
14. Sitting down to get work done (writing, usually) and managing to get much more done than expected.
15. The satisfying, accomplished feeling of having a clean desk surface after getting everything done that needs to be done.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3336625.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.


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