
Jul 31, 2014 19:52

It's been raining like whoa lately. Lightning storms, too. Knocked down some electrical poles over at my workplace. Fortunately, the power in my office was on, though the internet was out - but I didn't need to use that today, so that was all right.

Next week, my parents are going to go on vacation. I look forward to it. It'll be nice to be able to operate on my own schedule. Though making supper might be a bit difficult... I know how to cook, but the problem is that the stuff that I know how to make is completely different from what my mother makes, so it can be challenging to put together when we don't have the ingredients that I like to use. Oh well, I'll... figure it out. Maybe I'll just make a huge pot of fish soup on one of the weekends, or something.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3332782.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

food, weather, life

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