
Aug 01, 2014 15:45

So, I came across an interesting-looking book while I was at the store today, about how Denmark helped its Jewish citizens escape to Sweden during WWII (Countrymen by Bo Lidegaard). Very exciting, because my bookstore never has any books about northern Europe, except occasionally one or two about vikings. I was really tempted to get it, because it looks interesting, but it was in hardcover.

Can't stand hardcovers, personally. They're heavy, they take up so much space on the bookshelf, I can't just throw them into my bag when I go to work... Not to mention that they're expensive. Blah. Well, I might wait until this one comes in paperback. If it will.

It's been a quiet week, aside from the thunderstorms. It's so hot that nobody wants to do anything except laze around and do nothing. But this weekend I want to do a bit more re-arranging... I have a lot of books hidden away in drawers and cupboards and stuff, and I want to try tackling some of that mess now that my bookshelf is all tidy.

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