
Jul 02, 2014 19:56

Wow, it is disgustingly hot. Well, actually, it isn't even THAT bad, really - around 30C - but heat and I don't mix well. I just, ugh. I can't deal with this when it's so hoooot. I can't sleep, I can't concentrate on my work, I can't do much of anything. Blech.

On the other hand, I do like summer weather. And... I really wish I lived somewhere where the period of nice weather wasn't so short. I've been thinking that it might be fun to get a bike, but the biking season is so short here, it doesn't seem worth the bother. (Not to mention that this city is definitely not bike-friendly. No biking lanes, for one thing. And I am not riding on the fuckin' highway so some jackass in a pickup truck can hit me. No sir.)

I was thinking about Frozen today. I liked that movie a lot. There might have been a lot of wank about it, but I still liked it. But I do have some things I've been thinking about in relation to that, and I kind of want to put it down somewhere. So I'll probably do that eventually. But I need to re-watch it, because even though I bought the DVD, I haven't seen it since I saw it at the cinema. And there are a few things that I want to research... Just need to do some doublechecking really.

It reminds me that I wanted to write some fic for that film, too. But I don't know if I'll be able to get the voices down. Well, it probably wouldn't hurt to try. And maybe re-watching it will give me some ideas for some short things. Hard to say...!

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3329312.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, weather, frozen

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