
Jul 01, 2014 20:48

My life has been nothing but soccer and ridiculous oh-god-why heat. The air conditioning is broken at my workplace and I need to suffer through it. On the upside, the boss doesn't care if we watch matches on our dual-monitor setup as long as we get our stuff done. Woohoo! I was really happy for Belgium today, that was a great game (and thank fuck it didn't go to a shoot-out; the last few games have been nerve-wracking, what with extra time AND THEN shoot-outs on top of it.)

Canada Day was uneventful, as it has been for the past few years. July 1st was my grandmother's birthday, and now that she's gone I just... well, I never feel like celebrating. It just isn't the same without her.

Well, anyway. Check out this cute Hetalia Canada fanart here. Good lord, that's the most Canadian thing I've seen in months. :D And every time I look at it I see more details that I'd missed. (There's even a freakin' Nanaimo bar on the pancake plate alsdkfjkdfkkk. ... And now I want one. Damn, they're delicious.)

Writing has been... Going. I've kind of been poking aimlessly at me WIPs and not getting anywhere. So, instead, I've been working on ficlets for 60-minute challenges at the anonmeme. (The idea is: respond to the prompt, but take no longer than 60 minutes). I think that when I'm done with the APH anon meme stuff, I might try to do some kink meme fills this way, because there really haven't been many fics with characters I like lately, and when it comes to stuff that's just straight up kink or simple fluff it shouldn't be that hard to pound out a draft in an hour. (Heh. Pound it out. Heh.)

Anyway. The long WIP I've been not-working on, I think I'm just kind of in a slump with it. The scenes I'm working on right now are not what I want to be working on, but they're important to the plot, so I need to get them done. But it's kind of... eh. Maybe I'll just try to scribble something down, so that it's down, and then revise/rewrite later. I can't jump around when I write, because if I try that nothing gets done, but fleshing out drafts is something that I can do. So. I also think that I might cut part 2 (the part I'm working on) short by one scene, so that what I'm currently working on will be the last scene in the part, and then the next one will be the beginning of part 3. Not that this really matters, because everything is currently in one large .txt, but the next scene fits thematically with how part 3 will go (I think?) and obviously it'll influence how it will be posted when I do post it. It'll also mean that every part will be roughly the same length, which is what I'm aiming for. (~10k ish per part, estimated.)

I've discovered a new delicious vice. Well, actually, it's a re-discovery. When I was a kid, I used to take these weird "puddings" to school in my lunch. The texture was like jell-o, and they had cubes of some sweet unidentifiable jelly-like substance in them. Result was a lot of people going "wtf are you eating???" "I DUNNO BUT IT'S GOOD". Turns out, those were jello with nata de coco, and a place near my house carries them. Tried them recently and they're still delicious. :D Scoooore. Though I've been trying to find just plain nata de coco, because it's so chewy and sweet and delicious. Ain't exactly easy to come by here, though....

I find myself kind of wanting to go see HTTYD2 again on this upcoming Friday, since I have it off. But really, now. Going to see the same movie in theatres twice?! I never do that! But... it was really good. And there isn't really anything else I want to see right now. :Va

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3329153.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

hetalia, writing, food, how to train your dragon, football, life

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