
Jul 09, 2014 20:36

My birthday is tomorrow (the 10th). We're going out to the Japanese restaurant for supper. It'd be nicer if I didn't have to work tomorrow, but eh.

I had some interesting things to say, I swear, but I'm fucking exhausted.

I'm disappointed that the World Cup final is going to be a Germany-Argentina game. I was really hoping for a Germany-Netherlands final. Probably going to watch it anyway, but... disappointing. Oh well, I'm sure it'll be a good match regardless. (Here's hoping that Germany will win! :D )

Don't know if I'll keep up with football after the WC. On the one hand, I kind of want to... mostly because Wald's enthusiasm for the sport has been rubbing off on me, I think. I really like it when she talks about it, because it's clear that she's really really interested in it, and I just like it so much when people are enthusiastic about things that they like; it makes me want to get into them too. On the other hand... Goddamn, I have too many hobbies and interests already, and not enough time for any of them; I don't need to add watching football to the list!

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3329762.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

football, life

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