So I heard you like wurst

May 09, 2014 22:46

So, my first fic for Nordipalooza is done. It's some PWP DenSve that reads like a kink meme fill. I could probably do better, but honestly? I don't care. xD ( LJ or DW)

Will work on the other thing I'm writing for it... tomorrow. Part of me wants to give up, since I've already met the fest requirements, but eh. Might as well try anyway.

Eurovision is tomorrow! I'm very excited!! I've been waiting all week for this!!! It requires copious amounts of exclamation points!!!! Haha, really though, I have been looking forward to it all week. It's frustrating that I couldn't watch the semifinals, but at least there is the final. I haven't heard most of the songs yet either. Well, I looked up Norway's, since everyone on my twitterfeed was saying that it's a spectacular snoozer. And... it is. It really, really is. As far as Eurovision goes. But as a song in and of itself? I love it! It's so pretty!

... Also looked up Austria's, since I was confused about all the bathtub jokes. Now I get it. I like that one too, heh.

Anyway. It's still really cold, and I'm not happy. It hasn't gotten very far above 10C (or even 5C) and it's been snowing off and on all week. This isn't normal for my location at this time of year, and I'm starting to get very concerned.

Finished reading Patrick O'Brian's Master and Commander this week. I love it! It's precisely the kind of book I was expecting it to be. Seafaring and adventure and whatnot. I just wish I'd become aware of the series earlier... there's so much in it that appeals to me. And honestly, I wish I could write that kind of thing. Well - I guess what I have to do is start with the research, and the rest will follow. Like anything else. In the meantime, there are a bunch of other books in the series to read, so I'll be at it a while. I've ordered the second novel and I look forward to it.

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weather, reading, eurovision, fanfic, nordipalooza, aubrey-maturin

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