Woot woot

May 19, 2014 17:23

I've been in GO GO GO mode all day long and now I just feel like doing nothing.

The submission time for Nordipalooza got pushed back a bit, and it turns out that this was a really good thing because a lot of people are sending in their stuff at the last minute. I mean, this happens every year, but the turnout now is a lot better than it was last year. This is a relief! And it means I'll definitely run it again.

(Speaking of the fest, my second entry was finished a few days ago, the one about the Battle of Prague that I was agonizing over all month. [DW or LJ] Is it weird that I kind of want to learn Czech now?)

Last year was... well, last year wasn't good. So many things were going wrong in real life, and then the fest didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped. But this year was GREAT, and while I haven't looked at any of the submissions yet I'm sure they're great too, and I'm so happy. A few people even took advantage of the new option to write in a language other than English, which is really cool. I'm so glad that it's gone so well.

Now that the fest is (almost) over, I'm going to be winding myself down a little. I've been REALLY busy with work, so it'll be nice to have one less thing to worry about. Well, after I'm finished commenting on everyone's entries. :D It'll be nice to relaaaaxxxx a little.

The weather is starting to finally turn nice, too, so it'll soon be easier to take things easy, I think.

Need to get my butt in gear as far as travel plans goes... There are things I've been meaning to look up for a couple of weeks now, but I've been busy with both real life and other things. Good thing that the trip is still quite a while away, though we can't leave it go for too long, of course. We haven't booked anything yet, but will probably be doing that soon. Ish. I think.

I feel like I should say more, but my brain is kind of dead, oops. D:

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3326171.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

travel, nordipalooza, life

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