So, on Tuesday I went in for a dental appointment. This one was the last in a long series of annoying, frustrating, and hella' expensive appointments... but the important thing is, it's the last one. I finally have my fake tooth implant. Holy shit, it feels so good to finally be able to chew properly for the first time in years.
I feel like I did nothing at all today, but that isn't right, because I was out running around all day. Bought myself some new sneakers, since the ones I've been wearing are starting to get holes. Also, coloured letter-writing paper. It's ridiculous how difficult it is to find neat stationery in this town; I went to three different stores before I was able to find anything other than plain paper. Disappointing. Well, I have it now.
Some of my friends are easier to get in touch with if I write them letters, rather than hope for them to get on twitter, so I've been doing that. While it isn't exactly easy, and sometimes it's hard to come up with stuff to say, it's kind of relaxing to sit down and write a letter. Plus, I can make use of my cute stationery and stuff. Heh.
Working on fic for the fest is... uh. Well, it's going. I have a fic almost drafted, and I think I'll have time to finish it before posting starts on May 9th, which is good because people get a little bit weird about not wanting to post first. If I have something to post, then that takes care of that problem. Unfortunately, the fic that's almost finished is the Den/Sve PWP that I slapped down just because I felt like writing it, rather than the Battle of Prague 1648 fic that I'd hoped to write. That one is started, and I have a good deal put in toward the word minimum, but... It isn't coming out the way I want it to. I'm just not happy with it.
Then again, I thought the same thing about Sound Dues while I was writing it, and that's one of the stores I'm most proud of. But right now I'm just really frustrated with this one thing.
Speaking of writing, yesterday I was going through my folder of unfinished stuff, and I found no fewer than four partially-finished Sweden/Norway fics. What? One or two of them are even close to being done, too. I'm not sure why I never finished them, except possibly that some of them were supposed to have smut in them but I didn't feel like writing that part at the time so I put it away for later... Some of them are nearly done, if I leave that scene off, and I think I will do that because they're fine as is. It's just a matter of taking a look and seeing what needs to be done to wrap things up.
But that'll have to wait for later - after the fest.
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