Doujinshi Collection Inventory

Nov 08, 2013 18:07

Chi wanted to know what my collection is like, so I decided to take some pictures. Crappy pictures. With the books just set on my bed instead of done individually and catalogued neatly. Because ain't nobody got time for that.

Okay, let's see what we have here.

01. Norway/Iceland (and stuff that labels itself as Norway/Iceland even if it's more brotherly siblingish stuff), as well as a couple of Iceland gen djs. The very lightly-coloured, hard-to-see book in the top right is an anthology that I received recently; very lovely, I'm so pleased with it. :D And the bottom row, second from the left (with the umbrellas) is one of my favourite books; it's historical, about Iceland declaring independence.

02. Kind of a miscellaneous grouping. Top row: Gen-ish stuff (the top centre is one of the jewels of my collection, a novel-length mafia AU. Fucking gorgeous.) Middle row: Denmark/Sweden and Sweden/Norway. The one with a red background and Sweden on the cover is wonderful and I am completely in love with it. Bottom row: Gen and crack.

03. My not-Nordic doujins. ... In practical terms this actually means "My Netherlands books + that one not-Hetalia book I have" (Yeah, I count Siren's Hobbit lolita designs fanbook as a doujinshi. Keeping it in my doujin box means it won't get lost or crunched!) ... I really should get more Netherlands doujins in my collection, damn.

04. Large-size Den/Nor books and one Denmark/Sweden that escaped batch #2. If I had to pick a favourite of these it'd be either top centre (it really stands out in my collection, and I love that circle) orrr the one in the lower left corner (some stuff in it became my headcanon). Though Postman 1 and 2 (centre row, left) are really different and awesome; they're 1940s AU and it's just -- really really cool.

05. Small-size Den/Nor books. It's hard to pick a favourite here, but the AU in which Norway is a vampire (centre row, centre) wins for being memorable.

06. Wow my photo-taking skills are stellar. ANYWAY these are all ones that I bought from my buddy CJ when she was selling. I told her "I'll take all your Den/Nor" and so... voila. I kind of keep these all in their own little bundle - 'cause since they're from her, they're special.

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lists, doujinshi, hetalia

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