Well. Watched the original Evil Dead last night. Didn't like it any better the remake. The first few bits were actually pretty good, but once things started actually moving, it took a nosedive into variations on "stupid" and "gross". Bah. Oh, well.
... Yeah, Halloween might be over, but clearly I'm not finished watching horror movies. :D I hope to watch some more this weekend; I have a few that I've been meaning to get around to, but hadn't. "The Omen" is one of them (yeah, I've never seen it). I have a lot of knitting that I need to do, and I must say, horror movies are great for that (though usually only ones that are in English) because I can kind of turn my brain off for it.
Took a break from writing last night, and now I'm behind schedule, blurgh. But that's okay. I'll catch up. Man, though... there is no way that I could ever do this "writing every day" thing outside of specifically challenging myself. I get so little time after work that really, there is no way to do it without cutting out time I would've used for something else. It's a real bummer.
Debating whether I should write another story for that Sve/Fin fest thing... I'm nearly finished working on the one I have now, but I'm not entirely happy with the story as concept. But I don't have any ideas for response to any of my other prompts, hmph. :T Well, I'll try thinking on it more.
A ton of snow got dumped on us last night. Originally, I'd been planning to go downtown today, but now it looks like it middle of winter out there and I just plain don't want to go out in it. (Not to mention, I have no idea where I put my winter boots. I'll have to look for them. But I am lazy.)
Ugh, I really should start my Christmas shopping soon. Well, I think I know what I'm getting everybody, but the process of actually getting it is a pain in the ass. And I kind of want to do the whole "sending Christmas cards to my friends" thing, since I didn't do it last year due to being too stressed out, but I don't think I'll have the energy to do 20+ cards like I've had to do some years... bah, we'll see, maybe I'll just send out a small handful. Or maybe none at all.
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