
Nov 03, 2013 19:13

This weekend was actually quite productive as far as writing goes. Miraculously, I've been able to find time to myself, so I managed to slam down 5.2k (no idea how I managed to do that; usually I consider it awesome if I manage so much as 500 words). 2.5 of that was for my fic for the Sve/Fin fest, which is now... a draft. What.

It's been ages since I've written something that quickly. :Va I'm kind of tempted to do one of the other prompts now, because this just happened so far (even if this draft is going to need tons of revising). Though also because this one, er, doesn't even have both of the required characters in the same room... ehhh we'll see.

I finally received my package of doujinshi! It involved lots of running around with the postal office, but I got it eventually. And man, am I ever glad that I did. These books are gorgeous! And the one I was most excited about - the De/Su compilation by Nikita - turned out to be even better than I expected. *3* (It turns out that while most of the stories in it are Denmark/Sweden, there are some that aren't; one is Ottoman Turkey/Sweden, and another is historical France/Sweden ahhhhhh. I am in LOVE.)

All that aside, not much is going on. It snowed today. I am not pleased about it.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3315892.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

doujinshi, writing, nafifimo

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