Boring RL stuff

Jun 22, 2013 14:06

So, I've come to the conclusion that I've got to move out of this place. I'm just plain sick of being stuck living with my parents. It just makes me feel awful for a variety of reasons that I don't want to get into.

Unfortunately, I can't move out just yet. Aside from my mum's condition, there's the fact that I can't drive. And to get around anywhere in this part of the country, you need a car, there's no other option.


Well, the learning part is going to be difficult because there isn't anyone reliable who can teach me. But I think if I nag my father enough I might be able to get him to supervise me a little. At least, for occasional weekends. As far as I'm concerned driving with my mother is not an option.

So, I'll do that as a start, and then... if necessary, I'll take driving lessons, though it'd be better if I could avoid that because they're so expensive.

And of course, I'm going to start saving up for a car. I don't know what kind yet, but that doesn't matter considering I can't drive yet (hah). But yep, definitely going to have to do that. And the sooner I have these two things, the sooner I'll be able to move out. Hell, not just move out, but do things, even. Have something resembling a social life, maybe. It'd be easier to do things like volunteer or join a club if I actually have a way of... getting there. At one point I was kind of thinking that it might be nice to take ballroom dancing lessons, but dismissed the idea almost immediately without even bothering to look up if we have some place that does that in this city, because even if it existed I wouldn't have a way to get there.

It feels kind of good to be making plans, though. I think it'll take a year, maybe a year and a half, to get everything in place. I'm not happy that it has come to this, but when I think about it, I guess it was just a matter of time before I'd get fed up with everything.

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driving, family, life

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