So, I finally finished that Nor/Ice
fest fic that I've been agonizing over for... uh... over a month actually.
I FEEL SO LIBERATED. FINALLY. IT'S DONE. And I thought it was going to suck, but it actually isn't too bad, so I'm going to call this a win.
Now I can go back to working on other stuff. Should be interesting. I don't know if I want to continue what I was working on before, or start something new. Well, I'll think about it. (... I should probably finish some of the stuff I have on the go, first. Or at least poke at it.)
Today wasn't the best in a variety of little annoying ways but somehow, managing to do this juuuust before midnight makes everything else okay.
Anyway. The Hetalia kink meme moved over to Dreamwidth today. There'll probably be some growing pains but I think everything will go fine. Indexes, well... Uh. Hmm. I'm not even going to think about that right now. Thinking about it gives me a headache, heh. I'll tackle that tomorrow, maybe. Or maybe I'll wait until the request period is closed first before I start anything.
In other news it is now past midnight and I am not tired, goddamnit. :'|
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