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May 18, 2013 20:33

Well, Eurovision was fun. Congratulations to Denmark. Wasn't my favourite song, but I thought it was all right.

(Top three for me were Romania, Greece, and Malta. Romania was just --- fffff. So Eurovision. And super-crazy singing. Lots of cracked-out skill there. I approve.)

Things have been a little bit frustrating lately; it seems impossible for me to get any time to myself whatsoever. There's always somebody breathing down my neck and demanding that I do things for them, and I hate it. Fortunately, my parents are going to Edmonton on Monday for an appointment, so I am going to have the Monday of the long weekend all to myself. Hell yes! My plans involve having French toast for breakfast, writing fic all day, and going out for a walk just because I feel like it and not having to explain my decision to anyone. Sounds like a blast. And hopefully I'll be able to sneak in some time for Holiday Star, too.

Finished reading One Hundred Years of Solitude the other day. Awesome novel, would read it again. Normally it's kind of iffy whether or not I'll re-read a novel or not, but with that one, I can definitely see myself doing so eventually. It's just so damn good. I think the re-read value comes from the fact that it has so much stuff in it, though. So many things happen in it and it spans such a wide amount of time and there are so many relationship threads in it, wow. Yeah, definitely good stuff. Maybe I'll look up that guy's other books once I cut down on my to-read list a little bit more.

Right now I'm reading Oliver Twist... well okay, I've been reading it on and off for weeks. It's such a slog. I thought I'd like it, but, nope. But I don't dislike it enough to not finish it. When I was a kid, there was a cartoon version of it that would play on Saturday mornings, and I absolutely loved it, which is why I had hoped I'd like the novel. But... well, I guess not. They probably took some liberties with the story in the cartoon version. And I think, in general, this novel might be one that's better on film anyway; a large part of what I dislike about it is the narration, which would be absent in film. So I might look up a film version of it later, just to see what that's like.

My writing for the Nor/Ice fest is... uh... kind of stalled right now, though hopefully I can take care of that on Monday. I just plain haven't had time. And whenever I do get half an hour where I have nothing planned and I can do something, all I want to do is nap, which probably means that I'm stressed out (again) and need some rest (again). But I do have this fic about halfway done, and I know where I want to take it, so at the very least I think I'll be able to finish one fic for the fest, hopefully.

Livejournal's issues as of late have left me feeling less than optimistic about the future of the site. I'm not quite prepared to stop using it yet, but I'm going to be importing this journal to Dreamwidth more frequently than I usually do, and commenting on my flist over there more. If there's anyone here who has a journal over there and hasn't added me yet, feel free to do so, I won't mind one bit. And if you have any comm recommendations, throw them my way. I'm not as interested in fandom-related things these days, since Hetalia is still my main fandom, so anything that's more general (stuff related to writing, or books, or general wank, or anything) would be good.

livejournal, writing, reading, eurovision, family

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