
Nov 01, 2012 22:23

So, one of the keys on my keyboard fell off. No big deal, except that the little plastic... squishy thing that makes the key work fell off as well. So now I have to ctrl + v whenever I need to use the h key. VERY ANNOYING. You don't know how often you use a key until you need to. (And clearly everyone needed to know this.)

Unrelated: Sorry I've been noncommunicative. I've been hella' busy with work. Not that a lot of people post on LJ and will see this, but, y'know. It's the Canadian in me - I feel the need to apologize for every little thing.

Going in to work on my day off tomorrow. Not... exactly looking forward to it, considering I am not a fan of extra work, but I am a fan of extra money. (Besides, we're behind in some things. I'm going to make myself useful.)

... And the extra cash will help pay for the load of doujinshi I just bought from my buddy CJ, what can I say. ;p (Not that I needed any more, but. You know.)

So looking forward to my vacation in a few weeks. I think I really need a break. Still have had a lot of difficulty finding time to write. And I really do not know how much I will actually get done on vacation. But I'm being hopeful about it. I can't do NaNo, but at least I can write during November!

In more serious news, I woke up this morning to find out that my father took my mum to the emergency room in the middle of the night because of some really serious stomach pains. She's okay, and she's home now; but the verdict seems to be that the medicine she's on is probably giving her some super bad ulcers. Lovely. Man, sometimes it seems like the medicine she has to take does as much bad as it does good.

work, wtf, family, life

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