
Oct 20, 2012 19:30

I wonder if I should be concerned about not feeling social lately. I keep reminding myself that it's only because there are other things I want to do, and talking to people gets in the way of it, but I still feel like I should worry. On the other hand, I still talk to people, so it's fine.

People have received their prompts for the Nordic Jul Fest, and I will admit that I'm kind of jealous. I really wish I had been able to participate. But, I will not have enough time to do that, so it's better that I decided to be the bigger person and opt not to take part. But it still makes me sad.

On the other hand, I can try to write stories for my friends. I think I will do that. Or at least try. I have one partly done... I don't know if it will really work out, but hopefully I will finish, and they will like it.

I will have to index, and I do not want to. Hopefully tomorrow I will want to.

I keep flip-flopping between wanting to watch lots of movies and then... Not. I think I just feel kind of restless, but it's an annoying feeling. And I keep starting to read books and then not finishing them.

I catalogued a shitload of books on Goodreads today. It isn't even a fraction of the books that I own, but at least it gives me a better idea of the books I have floating around in my room that I have not read yet. (Though there are also many in here that I have not added yet... argh, I need to sort through things.) What I really need to do is look through my books, pick out the ones that I will not re-read, and donate them to the library book sale, but... I am too lazy to do that. Well, one of these days.

I keep looking at my resolutions list and despairing at how few of them I have actually managed to fulfill. But at least I managed to figure out how to do colourwork. That was one of the big things that I wanted to do.

Recently downloaded Hollow Crown, but because I haven't read all of the plays that it is based on, I'm going to do that first. Have done IHenryIV already, and working through IIHenryIV, because I was halfway through that already. And then I will do the rest. Sometimes I find the historical plays a bit of a snooze, but on the other hand, it's nice to read them - especially since I'm going to follow it up with a visual version.

indexing, hetalia, writing, hollow crown, friends, reading, nordic jul fest

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