
Oct 19, 2012 19:33

I've been feeling a little bit less social lately. Mostly it seems to be because there are a lot of other things that I want to do; I want to do a lot of reading and writing, and talking to people gets in the way of that. Oops. But, I don't have many regrets.

As usual, November will be a "fic finishing month", since I don't have the patience to do NaNoWriMo and start something novel-length. What will probably happen is that I will fall into it, put in a good effort to get something done, and then give up because of real life getting in the way. But hopefully I will finish something.

Had a discussion with my supervisor about a certain coworker who has been... getting on my nerves, let's say. (Really, she's just a nasty piece of work, and having to deal with her every day leaves me very frustrated and angry). I'm not the first to complain about this person, so hopefully something will actually come of it.

I had intended today to be productive but damn, I just don't want to do anything. I slept in until 11 and now it's only 7:30 PM, but I want to go to bed again....

writing, work

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