Today sucked a basket of dicks.
It seemed like no matter what, nothing went right today. That's pretty worrying, because the end of my three-month probationary period at work is coming up. If they think I suck at my job, they might drop me like a hot potato, and then I'll have to go through that bullshit job-searching process again. So naturally, I'm a bundle of nerves already, and the fact that I kept making mistakes today really did not make things any better at all. Ugh. Well, tomorrow is the last day for this week, and hopefully next week will be better.
In lighter news, my parents recently bought a lakeside lot. All well and good, though it doesn't have anything on it yet. On the one hand, it means they'll be able to build their retirement home exactly the way they want it. On the other... won't it all be expensive in the long run? I guess it's really none of my business, but I'm kind of concerned. Then again, they're usually smart about money-related things, so I know I shouldn't worry. But man, that's a lot of money....
On the upside, my Nordic Romance entry is
finished! The marathon ficcing was worth it.
I'm looking forward to Friday. Day off. Plan on cleaning the house and writing fic. Best way to spend the weekend, let me tell you. I have a new story I want to start, but I feel that I should finish something else first. Well, that Norway/Germany story is nearly drafted, from what I remember. It's possible that I'll be able to finish the draft this weekend. (The revisions, on the other hand... that will take a lot longer. How the fuck does one write Germany?)