Meet me when the sun is in the western sky

Jan 07, 2012 20:33

Man, I feel so tired lately. What's up with that?
(Okay, I know what's up with that. Way too many nights spent staying up until 2 AM roleplaying. But it was worth it for the France -> Nor interaction. Oh yes.)

Heading back to work on Monday. Even though I had a nice long holiday, I'm feeling kind've - hmm, bothered. I feel like I didn't manage to do any of the things I had wanted to do, largely because of family interference. It's really very annoying. And man, I'm not looking forward to not having any free time whatsoever again. Occupied 4:30AM-7PM for ten days on is rather... well, it's not ideal. But! The job is only until June. I can deal.

On the upside, I did manage to get some headway done on writing. Not enough, mind you. It's really difficult to find time to work on things, anything at all, due to things like family interfering, and that's really bothersome. Then work -- well, I don't know.

I'll be trying to wake up really early tomorrow in order to take care of the index updates. I put them up for far too long. And personal things -- writing - hopefully I'll manage to do some of that. Or something. I just feel so frustrated, because soon there will be absolutely no time. At the end of a workday, I'm so exhausted that I can barely keep my eyes open, so -- well. Anyway. Maybe it'll get easier over time.

I came across a stray Swedish coin yesterday when I was cleaning the bag I took with me to Europe, and seeing it made me feel - well, I can't really describe it. It was a weird feeling, and kind've sad in a way. Maybe I just miss being around friends, and maybe I miss being there too, and I have a few regrets (mainly related to being far too shy and awkward) but it's all so -- strange. I don't know.

Lately, whenever I try to write something in my journal, I end up wanting to backdate it so that people don't see it (well, don't see it on their flists, I mean) because it's just the same old stuff. And when I do post something different it seems so frivolous. It's a weird feeling and I don't like it, but maybe I'll give into it occasionally, because at least then I'll actually write out what I'm thinking. Yes, that sounds good.

roleplaying, writing, work, pointless

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