
Jan 05, 2012 01:01

For the past few days, I've felt very blah.

But tonight, I spent about an hour having a pleasant rant about literary pairings and how much I fucking love Hektor/Andromache and Penelope/Odysseus and Sarpedon/Glaukos (I love them so much that I wrote fanfiction of them, even) and how Sir Kay is such a badass and Cuhlwch and Olwen is a damn awesome story and Kay/Arthur is an awesome pairing and Kay/Launcelot makes me laugh and you know what, I still really like Hamlet/Horatio even though as of late I kind've started liking Horatio/Fortinbras though that was just because of one fanfiction I read and I'm sure I'll get over it especially because it wasn't even an amazing story and ---

Er, anyway, I'm feeling a lot better now.

wtf, reading, flailing

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